Within the fast rhythm of the modern world, the feeling of time becomes lost. Life is dynamic- but art is internal. In our creations we stop time. It has no power over images that we produce. Characters, feeling of form, images and silhouettes are born from clay. They gain their material embodiment and come to life in marble, bronze, porcelain and granite.
Studio art was established in the year 1965.
We admire: art, Russia, people and hard work.
We like: eternal classic of antique art, establishment of an individual in the epoch of Renaissance and the search for inspiration of artists of the XIX-XX centuries. We live and interestingly observe the modern time and try to reflect it for the contemporaries and future generations.
Selivanov Nikolay Aleksandrovich - the sculptor, the national artist of Russia, the winner of the International award of a name of M.A.Sholokhov. He is the author of a unique series of portraits and compositions about great Russian poet Sergey Yesenin and his environment, portraits of academicians, scientists, seamen, war heroes, writers, poets and a number of other monuments. N.A.Selivanov was born on September 8, 1929 in Hranev, The Lotoshinsky district of the Moscow region. His career was begun in 1952. His diploma work "Nakhimovets" was presented at the Republican exhibition in the house of the artist. This work has been awarded later. Nikolay continues to study at Surikovsky institute in the workshop of the sculptor M. G. Manizera. Being the student of an art institute, he was also interested in poetry of Sergey Yesenin, and chose the image of this poet for one of his semester works. From this point his creativity is inseparably linked with Yesenin's name. In the mid-sixties of the XX century Nikolay Aleksandrovich was elected in Board of the Union of artists, and after a while he was also elected as the chairman of section of sculptors of the Moscow regional Union of artists. In 1972 the seaworthy school from the city of Nakhodka ordered N.A.Selivanov to make a big figure of a cadet. At the beginning of 1980, the 25th anniversary of creation of the nuclear Lenin ice breaker was celebrated and N.A.Selivanov carries out the order of seamen of Murmansk Shipping Company for creation of a series of portraits - founders of the country's first nuclear ice breaker. 16 portraits were created, including the portraits of V. Kurchatov, A.P. Aleksandrov, B. M. Sokolov, and I.I.Afrikanov. In 1995 the country celebrated 100 years since the birth of Sergey Yesenin. For the anniversary of the poet, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Selivanov creates 22 portraits - 4 portraits of Yesenin and 18 - the people surrounding the poet and influencing his creativity. Poets: Klyuyev, Block, Gorodetsky, Ganin, Mariyengof, Shiryaevts, Pribludnogo, Klychkov, Oreshina. And also the portraits of the women who were close to Yesenin: Izryadnova, Isadora Duncan, Zynaida Raich, Miklashevsky. The portrait of Yesenin’s son was also produced- the writer Hlystalov, who was investigating the death of Sergey Yesenin for many years. Nikolay Aleksandrovich Selivanov's creative works are presented in the majority of museums of the former USSR.
Selivanov Vasily Nikolayevich- sculptor, graphic artist and painter, member of the Union of artists of Russia, member of the Artistic Union of artists of Russia, member of the Russian Art Union and international art fund. He was born in Moscow, in 1969. In 1991 he went to the Russian Academy of Painting Sculpturing and Architecture. (RAPSaA). Vasily Nikolayevich was the scholar of the president of Russia and the international society the “philanthropist”.In 1997, he had successfully presented his diploma work- “The Fight of the Archangel Michael with a Devil” in a workshop of a professor A.A. Bichukov. From 1998 he worked on the faculty of sculpture and composition of RAPSaA, where he was a head of the faculty and directed a creative workshop as the professor, developed an educational program for sculptors. In 1990 he became a constant participant of Moscow, Russian, and the international exhibitions. In 2003 left an Academy and was doing restoration works in Villefranche-sur-mer (France). Since 2007 he is the professor of faculty of “Design” in Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Business (RSUITB). Vasily Selivanov worked in creative business trips in countries like France, Germany and Australia. He is the author of monuments of Minin in the city of Bogorodsk. He is also the author of memorials of Odintsov (who was named twice the Hero of the Soviet Union), Academician Tabolin, and the main director of the Bolshoi Theatre- Pokrovsk. In a co-authorship with Selivanov N. A. Vasily established a monument to Kurchatov at RODON institute, a monument to Mayakovsky in the city of Pushkino, a monument to vice admiral Golovnin in Oceania and etc. Vasiliy Nikolaevich has developed an author's technology for creating innovative glass-and-bronze sculptures. The creative works of Selivanov V. N. are in private collections in Russia, the USA, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Australia, etc.
Anfilova Ekaterina Anatolievna - painter, graphic artist. The main direction - the portrait genre. Born on December 29, 1972 in Moscow in a family of theater and cinema artists A. V. and G. Anfilovs. Ekaterina studied drawing since childhood. Parents showed the opportunity to see the world through art. Mom is her first teacher of watercolor and drawing. In 1984, Ekaterina Anfilova entered the Moscow State Academic Art School named after V. I. Surikov, the current MAHL (lyceum.) After graduating in 1991, she entered the Institute named after V. A. Anfilov. After graduating in 1991, she entered the Surikov Institute for graphics department. Besides graphic techniques, she studied works in the material: lithography, etching, woodcut and xylography. Ekaterina was fond of studying the works of artists of the Renaissance. She copied a lot, which further defined her direction in the art. In 1997 she graduated from the Institute with the qualification of graphic artist, specializing in "Art of book". After the Institute she started working in the publishing house "White City". In 1998, she took part in the reporting exhibition "The best diplomas of the Institute" on Kuznetsky Most with her diploma "Illustrations to Zhukovsky's ballad "Undine". Painting and graphics became her main work. The portrait genre occupies a special place in her work. Together with her husband V. N. Selivanov has implemented many projects in Russia and abroad. Ekaterina is a member of the International Art Fund. Her works are in private collections in Russia, France, Germany, Switzerland and England.